1 gmx editconf -f input.g96 -o output.gro
gmx editconf -f input.g96 -o output.gro
1 obabel input.gro -O output.xyz
obabel input.gro -O output.xyz
Gromacs File formats tpr file tpr file extension stands for portable binary run input file. This file contains the starting structure of your simulation, the molecular topology and all the simula...
Gromacs trr file Files with the trr file extension contain the trajectory of a simulation. In this file all the coordinates, velocities, forces and energies are printed as you told GROMACS in your...
Unwrap atom coordinates To calculate diffusion coefficient from the mean-square-displacement, we need to unwrap the atom coordinates. https://atomsk.univ-lille.fr/doc/en/mode_unwrap.html Ref: A...
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